
How to Build a Multi-Cloud Asset Inventory

Joe Karlsson

Joe Karlsson

Managing multi-cloud environments presents unique challenges that can quickly overwhelm even the most experienced cloud architects. Each cloud provider has its own set of tools, APIs, and management practices, leading to fragmented visibility and control. Without a unified view, identifying and managing cloud assets across AWS, Azure, GCP, and other providers becomes daunting.
A comprehensive inventory of all your cloud assets is crucial for maintaining security, ensuring compliance, and optimizing costs in complex environments. By centralizing asset data from multiple clouds, organizations can gain the visibility and control needed to mitigate risks, avoid unnecessary expenses, and meet regulatory requirements.
This guide will walk you through the step-by-step process of building a robust multi-cloud asset inventory. Utilizing CloudQuery, a powerful open-source cloud asset management tool, you’ll learn how to aggregate, normalize, and visualize your cloud assets, providing a clear and actionable inventory across all your cloud environments.

Multi-cloud cloud asset inventory technical architecture #

  1. Data Collection with CloudQuery
CloudQuery is at the heart of our architecture. It’s an open-source tool that allows you to query and sync cloud asset data across multiple cloud providers. In this guide, we’ll be syncing data from Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Microsoft Azure, and Amazon Web Services (AWS). In addition to these three services, CloudQuery supports all major cloud providers, giving you the flexibility to expand your inventory as needed.
CloudQuery connects directly to the APIs of each cloud provider, extracting detailed information about your resources. Whether it’s virtual machines, storage buckets, or networking components, CloudQuery pulls this data into a consistent format that can be quickly processed.
  1. Data Transformation with dbt
Once the raw cloud data is collected, it’s essential to transform it into a format optimized for analysis and reporting. This is where dbt (Data Build Tool) comes in. dbt is a powerful transformation tool that cleans, organizes, and normalizes your cloud asset data.
Using dbt, we’ll take the raw data from CloudQuery and apply transformations to ensure consistency across different cloud providers. This process includes standardizing naming conventions, aggregating similar asset types, and enriching the data with additional metadata. The goal is to create a single, cohesive dataset that accurately reflects your entire cloud environment.
  1. Data Storage with PostgreSQL
The transformed data needs to be stored in a centralized location where it can be easily queried and analyzed. For this guide, we’ll be using PostgreSQL as our destination database.
While we’re using PostgreSQL in this example, CloudQuery allows you to sync your data into any data store of your choice, whether it’s another relational database, a data warehouse, or a data lake. This allows you to seamlessly integrate your cloud asset inventory into your existing data infrastructure.

Building a Multi-cloud Asset Inventory #

Prerequisites #

Before we get started, you will also need GCP, AWS, and Azure accounts with the necessary permissions. Your machine will also need Docker installed. Docker is needed for Postgres and dbt as CloudQuery doesn't require Docker and can run on any machine and architecture as a single compiled binary.

Getting Started With CloudQuery #

To get started with CloudQuery, download and follow the installation instructions for your operating system here.
Are you not interested in deploying and maintaining your CloudQuery infrastructure? You might want to try out CloudQuery Cloud.

Setting Up a Postgres Data Store #

To set up a local PostgreSQL database using Docker, you can run the following command:
docker run --name postgres_container \
  --restart unless-stopped \
  --env POSTGRES_USER=postgres \
  --env POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres \
  --env POSTGRES_HOST=db \
  --env POSTGRES_DB=asset_inventory \
  --publish 5432:5432 \
  --volume pgdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data \
This command pulls the PostgreSQL image (version 15) from Docker Hub, sets the password for the Postgres user to Postgres, and runs the container in detached mode (-d). The -p 5432:5432 option maps the container’s port 5432 (PostgreSQL’s default port) to port 5432 on the host machine, allowing you to connect to the database locally.

How to pull cloud asset data from AWS #

You’ll be using the CloudQuery AWS plugin. Follow the instructions to authenticate your AWS instance. Then, locally, create a new file called config.yml and copy the following into this file.
kind: source
  name: aws
  path: cloudquery/aws
  registry: cloudquery
  version: "v27.11.1"
    - aws_apigateway_rest_api_stages
    - aws_apigatewayv2_api_stages
    - aws_apigatewayv2_api_routes
    - aws_autoscaling_groups
    - aws_codebuild_projects
    - aws_config_configuration_recorders
    - aws_cloudwatch_alarms
    - aws_cloudtrail_trail_event_selectors
    - aws_cloudwatchlogs_metric_filters
    - aws_cloudfront_distributions
    - aws_iam_accounts
    - aws_iam_credential_reports
    - aws_iam_password_policies
    - aws_iam_users
    - aws_ec2_network_acls
    - aws_ec2_security_groups
    - aws_efs_access_points
    - aws_elasticbeanstalk_environments
    - aws_elbv1_load_balancers
    - aws_elbv2_load_balancers
    - aws_rds_clusters
    - aws_sns_subscriptions
    - aws_s3_accounts
    - postgresql
This CloudQuery configuration file sets up a data source from AWS to extract information from various AWS services, such as API Gateway, IAM, and RDS, using specific tables. The extracted data is then directed to a PostgreSQL database for storage. This setup allows for efficient data extraction, transformation, and storage, enabling more straightforward analysis and visualization of AWS data.
For the tables, include all the assets you want to sync with your Cloud Asset Inventory.

How to sync cloud asset data from GCP #

You’ll be using the CloudQuery GCP plugin. Follow the instructions to authenticate your GCP instance. In your config.yml, copy the following into this file.
kind: source
  # Source spec section
  name: gcp
  path: cloudquery/gcp
  registry: cloudquery
  version: "v15.10.2"
    - gcp_storage_buckets
    - postgresql
This CloudQuery configuration file sets up a GCP data source to extract information from various GCP services. The extracted data is then directed to a PostgreSQL database for storage. This setup allows for efficient data extraction, transformation, and storage, enabling easier analysis and visualization of GCP data.

How to sync cloud asset data from Azure #

You’ll be using the CloudQuery Azure plugin to sync your data into your data store. Follow the instructions to authenticate your Azure instance. In your config.yml, copy the following:
kind: source
  # Source spec section
  name: azure
  path: cloudquery/azure
  registry: cloudquery
  version: "v14.5.0"
    - postgresql
    - azure_compute_virtual_machines

How to save all your cloud asset data into PostgreSQL #

Next, you’ll need a destination plugin, and for this example, you’ll be using CloudQuery’s PostgreSQL Destination Plugin.
At the bottom of the Config file, paste the following:
kind: destination
  name: postgresql
  path: cloudquery/postgresql
  registry: cloudquery
  version: "v8.3.1"
    connection_string: "postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/asset_inventory?sslmode=disable"
And with that, the CloudQuery Config is ready. Now is a good time to test it out. Make sure your Postgres Docker container is running, then we need to run the CloudQuery job so that it syncs your cloud assets into Postgres with:
cloudquery sync ./config.yml
Now, you can connect to Postgres and explore the data. For example, you can use this as an example query to ensure your data has been correctly synced. This query finds all the storage accounts that are allowing non-HTTPS traffic:
docker exec -it postgres_container /bin/bash

psql -U postgres

SELECT * from GCP_storage_accounts where enable_https_traffic_only = false;

How to use dbt to transform your cloud data into a cloud asset inventory #

CloudQuery provides several pre-built dbt projects to simplify data transformations, including security and compliance frameworks like PCI_DSS, CIS, and Foundational Security Best Practices. But for this tutorial, you will be using our prebuilt AWS Asset Inventory, GCP Asset Inventory, and the Azure Asset Inventory transformations. Here’s how you set up your dbt Transformations.
First, you will need to go to each of the dbt transformations and download and extract the contents into your project folder.
Next, you must create a profiles.yml file in your profile directory and configure each transformation:
gcp_asset_inventory: # This should match the name in your dbt_project.yml
  target: dev
      type: postgres
      user: postgres
      pass: pass
      port: 5432
      dbname: postgres
      schema: public # default schema where dbt will build the models
      threads: 1 # number of threads to use when running in parallel

azure_asset_inventory: # This should match the name in your dbt_project.yml
  target: dev
      type: postgres
      user: postgres
      pass: pass
      port: 5432
      dbname: postgres
      schema: public # default schema where dbt will build the models
      threads: 1 # number of threads to use when running in parallel

aws_asset_inventory: # This should match the name in your dbt_project.yml
  target: dev
      type: postgres
      user: postgres
      pass: pass
      port: 5432
      dbname: postgres
      schema: public # default schema where dbt will build the models
      threads: 1 # number of threads to use when running in parallel
To run dbt with Docker, you can use this Docker CLI command to set up the environment and execute dbt commands. You will need to run this for each transformation.
docker run --platform linux/amd64 --name dbt_container \
  --env POSTGRES_USER=postgres \
  --env POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres \
  --env POSTGRES_HOST=db \
  --env POSTGRES_DB=asset_inventory \
  --volume $(pwd)/cloudquery_transformation_gcp-asset-inventory_vX.X.X:/usr/app \
  --volume $(pwd)/dbt-profiles.yml:/root/.dbt/profiles.yml \ run

Analyzing your multi-cloud cloud asset inventory data #

Having all your cloud asset data in one place is not just convenient—it’s incredibly powerful. When you centralize your data from AWS, Azure, and GCP into a single database, you can enrich, compare, and analyze your assets using consistent tooling, like SQL, that you’re already familiar with. This unified approach allows you to uncover insights that would be difficult, if not impossible, to achieve if your data was stuck within each cloud provider.
With your multi-cloud asset inventory in one place, you can start answering critical questions about your infrastructure. For example, you can identify which instances cost you the most across all clouds, spot redundant resources that could be consolidated, and analyze cross-cloud data transfer costs to optimize your spending.
To get you started, here are three example queries that demonstrate the power of centralized cloud asset data:

Cross-cloud expensive instances #

This query pulls together data on compute instances from AWS, Azure, and GCP, standardizing the fields for provider, instance ID, instance type, region, and cost per hour. It then combines the results into a single list and orders them by cost per hour, showing the most expensive instances across all three cloud providers at the top.
SELECT provider, instance_id, instance_type, region, cost_per_hour
 SELECT 'AWS' as provider, instance_id, instance_type, region, cost_per_hour FROM aws_ec2_instances
 SELECT 'Azure' as provider, vm_id as instance_id, vm_size as instance_type, location as region, cost_estimate/30/24 as cost_per_hour FROM azure_virtual_machines
 SELECT 'GCP' as provider, instance_id, machine_type as instance_type, region, cost_estimate/30/24 as cost_per_hour FROM gcp_compute_instances
) as cross_cloud_instances
ORDER BY cost_per_hour DESC;

How to identify redundant load balancers across clouds #

This query identifies load balancers across AWS, Azure, and GCP with fewer than two associated instances, helping spot potentially redundant or underutilized load balancers.
SELECT lb_id, provider, region, associated_instances_count
 SELECT lb_id, 'AWS' as provider, region, COUNT(instance_id) as associated_instances_count
 FROM aws_elb_load_balancers
 GROUP BY lb_id, region
 SELECT lb_id, 'Azure' as provider, location as region, COUNT(vm_id) as associated_instances_count
 FROM azure_load_balancers
 GROUP BY lb_id, location
 SELECT lb_id, 'GCP' as provider, region, COUNT(instance_id) as associated_instances_count
 FROM gcp_load_balancers
 GROUP BY lb_id, region
) as cross_cloud_lbs
WHERE associated_instances_count < 2;

Analyze cross-cloud data transfer costs #

This query helps identify underutilized load balancers across AWS, Azure, and GCP by highlighting those with fewer than two associated instances, which can indicate inefficiency or potential cost savings.
SELECT lb_id, provider, region, associated_instances_count
 SELECT lb_id, 'AWS' as provider, region, COUNT(instance_id) as associated_instances_count
 FROM aws_elb_load_balancers
 GROUP BY lb_id, region
 SELECT lb_id, 'Azure' as provider, location as region, COUNT(vm_id) as associated_instances_count
 FROM azure_load_balancers
 GROUP BY lb_id, location
 SELECT lb_id, 'GCP' as provider, region, COUNT(instance_id) as associated_instances_count
 FROM gcp_load_balancers
 GROUP BY lb_id, region
) as cross_cloud_lbs
WHERE associated_instances_count < 2;

Summary #

In this post, you explored the architecture and process for building a multi-cloud asset inventory, highlighting the importance of centralizing your cloud data for enhanced security, compliance, and cost management.
You learned how to use CloudQuery to sync data from AWS, Azure, and GCP, transform it with dbt, and store it in PostgreSQL, all while maintaining flexibility in your data store choice. If you’re ready to streamline your cloud management, try out CloudQuery today and start building your comprehensive cloud asset inventory to reduce costs, increase security, and audit your entire cloud environment.

Code Samples #

CloudQuery Configuration #

kind: source
  name: aws
  path: cloudquery/aws
  registry: cloudquery
  version: "v27.11.1"
    - aws_apigateway_rest_api_stages
    - aws_apigatewayv2_api_stages
    - aws_apigatewayv2_api_routes
    - aws_autoscaling_groups
    - aws_codebuild_projects
    - aws_config_configuration_recorders
    - aws_cloudwatch_alarms
    - aws_cloudtrail_trail_event_selectors
    - aws_cloudwatchlogs_metric_filters
    - aws_cloudfront_distributions
    - aws_iam_accounts
    - aws_iam_credential_reports
    - aws_iam_password_policies
    - aws_iam_users
    - aws_ec2_network_acls
    - aws_ec2_security_groups
    - aws_efs_access_points
    - aws_elasticbeanstalk_environments
    - aws_elbv1_load_balancers
    - aws_elbv2_load_balancers
    - aws_rds_clusters
    - aws_sns_subscriptions
    - aws_s3_accounts
    - postgresql
  # AWS Spec
  # Learn more about the configuration options at
kind: source
  # Source spec section
  name: gcp
  path: cloudquery/gcp
  registry: cloudquery
  version: "v15.10.2"
    - gcp_storage_buckets
    - postgresql
  # GCP Spec
  # Learn more about the configuration options at
kind: source
  # Source spec section
  name: azure
  path: cloudquery/azure
  registry: cloudquery
  version: "v14.5.0"
    - postgresql
    - azure_compute_virtual_machines
  # Azure Spec
  # Learn more about the configuration options at
kind: destination
  name: postgresql
  path: cloudquery/postgresql
  registry: cloudquery
  version: "v8.3.1"
    connection_string: "postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/asset_inventory?sslmode=disable"

FAQs #

Q: What is a cloud asset inventory?
A: A cloud asset inventory is a comprehensive and centralized record of all cloud resources and assets across one or multiple cloud environments. It includes details like virtual machines, storage buckets, networking components, and other resources, providing visibility and control to ensure security, compliance, and cost optimization.
Q: Why is a multi-cloud asset inventory important?
A: A multi-cloud asset inventory is crucial for maintaining security, ensuring compliance, and optimizing costs by centralizing asset data, enabling better visibility and control across cloud environments.
Q: What tool is recommended for building a multi-cloud asset inventory?
A: CloudQuery is recommended for building a multi-cloud asset inventory, as it allows for querying and syncing cloud asset data across multiple cloud providers.
Q: How does CloudQuery handle data from different cloud providers?
A: CloudQuery connects directly to the APIs of cloud providers, extracting detailed information about resources and normalizing it into a consistent format that can be easily processed.
Q: What are the prerequisites for building a multi-cloud asset inventory?
A: You need GCP, AWS, and Azure accounts with necessary permissions, Docker installed for Postgres and dbt, and CloudQuery installed on your machine.
Q: How can you verify that your cloud asset data has been correctly synced to PostgreSQL?
A: You can run SQL queries on the PostgreSQL database, such as querying for storage accounts allowing non-HTTPS traffic, to verify that the data has been correctly synced.
Q: What are the cloud providers I can connect to with CloudQuery?
A: CloudQuery supports connections to all major cloud providers, including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Microsoft Azure, Alibaba Cloud, IBM Cloud, Oracle Cloud, and others. This allows you to aggregate and manage assets across multiple cloud environments.
Q: Can I save my cloud asset data anywhere?
A: Yes, CloudQuery allows you to save your cloud asset data in any compatible data store. This includes relational databases like PostgreSQL, data warehouses, data lakes, or even custom destinations by building your own plugins. This flexibility enables seamless integration into your existing data infrastructure.

Additional Resources #

Joe Karlsson

Written by Joe Karlsson

Joe Karlsson (He/They) is an Engineer turned Developer Advocate (and massive nerd). Joe empowers developers to think creatively when building applications, through demos, blogs, videos, or whatever else developers need.

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